This article was written by Anne T. Donahue, here’s the link While re-watching Grease the other day, I came to one important realization: If Rizzo were watching Grease with me (and oh, man — I wish), she’d be embarrassed for […]
This article was written by Anne T. Donahue, here’s the link While re-watching Grease the other day, I came to one important realization: If Rizzo were watching Grease with me (and oh, man — I wish), she’d be embarrassed for […]
Perhaps the only difference between me and other people is that I always demanded more from the sunset. More spectacular colors when the sun hit the horizon. Perhaps that's my …
WAKE UP ITALY! With this hashtag, on Saturday January 23rd 2016 in 100 Italian cities a flash-mob was held to support the long-awaited, and hopefully soon delivered, legislation about civil …
Perhaps the only difference between me and other people is that I always demanded more from the sunset. More spectacular colors when the sun hit the horizon. Perhaps that's my …
In my not so quite humble opinion, all religions are sworn enemies of women’s freedom, emancipation and rights. Dark and gloomy repositories of phony beliefs, relying upon and prospering on …
"Woman is not born but made” wrote Simone de Beauvoir in The Second Sex (1949), her legendary book, the ultimate essay on European feminist philosophy. I was born in 1972 …
The ceaseless battle between sense and sensibility becomes here a fierce fight between sexual drive and sensibility, mixed with my usual kinky and naughty irony. What to do when an …
Let’s start with a neat division: on one side, there are you – mothers, married women, the always-coupled, the forever ‘us’; on the other, there are us – the singles, …
In a couple of days I will celebrate my first year as a runner and I decided to commemorate it by running the Midnight Run, an amateurish competition of 4/8/12km …
For the weekly magazine Starbene, a wellness publication published by the Mondadori Group, I write a sex column called NO TABOO SEX. It is, nonetheless, a mere pipedream as taboos …