My sources of inspiration are varied, versatile and variegated. Nonetheless, my blog was mainly conceived by three moving spirits, which, in different ways and different times, have influenced and helped people dealing and solving sexual issues. In chronological order, I will quote the legendary Doctor Ruth Westheimer, sex-therapist of Jewish-German roots who came to success in the Eighties for her frank and honest approach to sexuality and also for her funny and strong German accent. The New York Times described her like as such: “Sorbonne-trained psychologist who became a kind of cultural icon in the 1980s.… She ushered in the new age of freer, franker talk about sex on radio and television—and was endlessly parodied for her limitless enthusiasm and for having an accent only a psychologist could have.” When you see her, she reminds you of a sweet and caring grandmother, adding an ironic twist to her sharp talk about sodomy and fellatio. I would recommend you to go and watch her Youtube channel. Before Sex and The City, there was the tiny and witty Dr. Ruth who strived to lift the hypocrisy veil that plagued, and alas still plagues, human sexuality.